Budget Plan Lacks Sustainability, Cooper Says

February 4, 2025

HARRISBURG – Rep. Jill Coooper (R-Westmoreland) issued the below statement following Gov. Josh Shapiro’s budget address Tuesday:

“While reviewing Gov. Shapiro’s proposal, the first thing that stands out to me is the overall spend of $51.47 billion; that’s a 7.5% increase over the current fiscal year. Pennsylvanians simply can’t afford to send that much more of their hard-earned dollars to Harrisburg.

“A part of his plan also includes infusing reserves from the Commonwealth’s Rainy Day Fund to offset recurring expenses. This puts us on a collision course with a tax increase because once those reserves are spent, the only way we can sustain government will be to increase revenue. Voters communicated in November that they want to see more government efficiency and a less expensive, less expansive government. It’s concerning to see the exact opposite being sought by the governor.

“Gov. Shapiro’s proposal includes worthwhile investments in police and fire protection, which I certainly support, but he neglected to include any kind of funding for ambulance services, which have been experiencing a fiscal crisis that must not be overlooked.

“I certainly share many of Gov. Shapiro’s funding priorities, such as education, economic development and public safety, which are core government functions and must be funded adequately. But we can’t write blank checks. This was only a budget proposal, the first step in the negotiation process. For the next few months, I will work with my colleagues on a plan that keeps our commitment to these priorities but is also protective of the tax dollars Pennsylvania families and businesses send to Harrisburg.”

Representative Jill Cooper
55th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

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