More Than $461,500 in Grant Funding Allocated to 55th District, Says Cooper
March 18, 2025
HARRISBURG – Rep. Jill Cooper (R-Westmoreland) announced today she secured just over $461,500 in state funding from the Commonwealth Financing Authority’s (CFA) Local Share Account (LSA) grant program for several community improvement projects in the 55th Legislative District.
“Our municipalities go above and beyond in identifying areas of improvement and being proactive to addressing needs,” said Cooper. “This funding addresses matters of public safety, road and park maintenance, sewer repairs and a library upgrade, all benefitting local communities.”
The following are the project allocations and descriptions:
• Delmont Borough: $200,000, in cooperation with Sen. Kim Ward (R-Westmoreland), for a sanitary sewer replacement project along Tollgate Lane that will restore sanitary sewer line, construct new manholes, replace all sanitary sewer services impacted by the main line replacement, and complete the disinfection and connection of the existing sanitary sewer line to the stormwater collection system to act as a French drain.
• Washington Township (on behalf of Washington Township Police Department): $81,644, in cooperation with Sen. Joe Pittman (R-Westmoreland/Indiana/Armstrong/Jefferson), to purchase body camera and car camera systems to assist in recording police interactions, reviewing officer tactics and departmental compliance. Future plans for the camera recordings are for the police department to use the videos for personalized departmental training.
• Salem Township: $64,780, in cooperation with Ward, to build a maintenance building at Seanor Farm Park to keep equipment and supplies in a secure on-site facility, which will reduce transportation costs and time associated with bringing equipment from the township building to the park.
• New Alexandria Borough: $48,216, in cooperation with Pittman, to buy a new utility tractor for the borough’s maintenance department.
• Oklahoma Borough: $25,750, in cooperation with Pittman, to replace deteriorated and missing street signs, as well as purchase and install electronic speed monitoring signs.
• Economic Growth Connection of Westmoreland (on behalf of Murrysville Community Library): $21,275, in cooperation with Ward, to upgrade the Murrysville Community Library by setting up three modular study rooms to accommodate increases in usage and program attendance.
• New Kensington City (on behalf of Burrell-New Kensington Rotary Club): $20,000, in cooperation with Pittman, to place a new digital road sign at the intersection of State Route 366 and Leechburg Road.
The grants were approved and awarded by the Commonwealth Financing Authority, which was established as an independent agency that holds fiduciary responsibility over the funding of programs and investments in Pennsylvania’s economic growth. LSA grants are derived from gaming revenues.
Representative Jill Cooper
55th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Jordan Frei
724.875.8450 /
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